Retrospective 1: 2024‐02‐26 - alejoriosm04/F2F GitHub Wiki

What should we keep doing (best practices)?

  1. Short meetings that don't take longer than the allotted time. We didn't start out that way, but it fortunately became the norm.
  2. Everyone understands the project as a whole. We are all capable of presenting it to an audience.

What should we start doing (process improvements)?

  1. Sending updates regularly via the WhatsApp group chat. We should all be aware of what is being developed.

What should we stop doing (process problems and bottlenecks)?

  1. Private communication that should've happened in the group chat. We had to make last-minute changes to our demo agenda.
  2. Swapping responsibilities without properly notificating the other members. This caused confusion a few days before the demo.
  3. Keeping an eye on the deadlines. We forgot that the first deliverable was due in ~5 days (!!)