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OpenCV Wiki
General resources
:globe_with_meridians: Official site - read about the library, subscribe to the news, browse releases and study the license
:question: FAQ list of frequently asked questions and answers moderated by the core team
:speech_balloon: Q&A forum - ask questions and share your knowledge by answering others' questions
:books: Documentation:
:hammer_and_wrench: Changelog - highlights for each library release
:telephone_receiver: Meeting Notes
:computer: :camera: OpenCV GSoC Ideas List 2022 :computer: :movie_camera:
- opencv - main repository, contains core types and functions, stable algorithms, build scripts and tools
- opencv_contrib - contains experimental and unstable algorithms, needs main repository for building
- opencv_extra - contains data for tests and miscellaneous files
Issue trackers:
- opencv - general problems with the library and stable modules, build-related problems
- opencv_contrib - problems with experimental modules and their dependencies
- opencv.org - problems with the official site
New feature ideas :bulb::
Contributions ("pull requests"):
Obsolete links
Main OpenCV repository has been converted to git and compactified. History begins with the famous "atomic bomb" commit which dates back to May 11, 2010 and all prior commits are stored in the separate "OpenCV Attic" repository: https://github.com/opencv/opencv_attic
Old issue tracker has been moved to read-only state and will be kept for some time.