Page Life Cycle: Accessing a List - akumina/AkuminaTraining GitHub Wiki
Applies to
Akumina Foundation and later
Accessing a List
We will create a custom step that retrieves the first value in the Test_AK list.
How to Deploy
- Create a custom SharePoint list called “Test_AK”. No additional columns are required. Add one item.
- Download digitalworkplace.custom.js from the “/Style Library/DigitalWorkplace/JS” folder within SharePoint
- Paste the Code within digitalworkplace.custom.js
- Upload the updated digitalworkplace.custom.js to the “/Style Library/DigitalWorkplace/JS” folder within SharePoint
- Navigate to a page on your Akumina Foundation site
- Flush your cache by clicking on the Akumina icon in the left rail, clicking the refresh icon, then clicking “Refresh All Cache”
- Refresh the page. The alert should fire.
var AdditionalSteps = AdditionalSteps || {
if ((typeof AdditionalSteps.MoreSteps) === 'undefined') {
AdditionalSteps.MoreSteps = {
Init: function () {
var steps = [];
steps.push({ stepName: "Debug Info", additionalSteps: [{ name: "Access a List", callback: RetrieveFromList}] });
return steps;
function RetrieveFromList()
var listName = "Test_AK";
var request = {};
request.listName = listName;
request.selectFields = 'Title';
request.rowLimit = 100;
var spcaller = new Akumina.Digispace.Data.SharePoint();
spcaller.GetList(request).then(function (data) {
var request = data.request;
var response = data.response;
var listItems = response.listItems;
var items = [];
var listEnumerator = listItems.getEnumerator();
var count = 0;
while (listEnumerator.moveNext()){
var listItem = listEnumerator.get_current();
var title = listItem.get_item('Title');
items.push({ title: title});
alert("Retrieved " + items[0].title + " from the list " + request.listName);
}, function (error) {
var args = error.args;
alert ("Request failed. " + args.get_message() + "\n" + args.get_stackTrace());
To learn how to customize the Page Life Cycle using the Akumina Framework see the following articles: