How to: Call the Add Favorites dialog - akumina/AkuminaTraining GitHub Wiki


Version: Akumina

The Akumina solution includes an Add Favorites capability. This can be easily reused via a few simple steps.

Bookmark This Page Add Favorite

Pre conditions

To use the favorites, you will first need 2 things, both of which are included by default in Akumina.

  • A div with id="favorites-popup" - this is found in the default template /Style Library/DigitalWorkplace/Content/templates/Core/AdditionalMasterMarkup.html
  • A custom list named Favorites_AK - The my favorites data is stored here

Opening the dialog

To call the Add Favorite dialog, you only have the call the ShowAddFavoriteDialog function. his can be done as part of a link, as shown below:

<a href="#" onclick="ShowAddFavoriteDialog();">

This will open up the Add Favorites dialog for a user to interact with.

Add Favorite

Reference: Favorites_AK List

FieldName Type Settings
Title Single line of text *Required: Yes
HyperLink Multiple lines of text Plain text
Open With Choice Same Window, New Window