Digital Workplace Core Site Deployment: Building a Page Layout - akumina/AkuminaTraining GitHub Wiki


The Digital Workplace Core Site deployment does not provision page layouts to a site. If existing page layouts are not sufficient for site requirements, new ones can be created on the site.


Creating the Page Layout

SharePoint allows the creation of page layouts via the Design Manager. Navigate to the Design Manager by clicking the gear in the SharePoint ribbon and selecting Design Manager from the Dropdown Menu. In the left column of the Design Manager, select 6. Edit Page Layouts. Click Create a page layout. Layout Create

Within the modal, name the new page layout and select a masterpage that has been enabled for the Akumina Framework (DigitalWorkplaceCore/empty or any custom masterpage including the framework links). Click OK. The page layout will be created. Layout Popup

Finding the new Page Layout

The page layout can be found in the Master Page Gallery, which can be navigated to by clicking on the gear in the SharePoint ribbon, selecting Site Settings from the dropdown, and clicking the Master pages and page layouts link in the Site Settings page. There will be two files with the new page layout name. Always edit and publish the .html file. The .aspx file is associated with it and be updated automatically. Layout Download Publish

Editing the Page Layout

Within the Master Page Gallery, download the .html file. Make edits within a text editor. When uploading the updated file back to the Master Page Gallery ensure Html Page Layout is set for the Content Type and Associated File is checked.

Layout Content Type

Masterpage Associated File

Verifying the Page Layout is compliant

Custom page layouts should be verified in the Design Manager before being setting a page to use one. Navigate to the Design Manager by clicking the gear in the SharePoint ribbon and selecting Design Manager from the Dropdown Menu. In the left column of the Design Manager, select 6. Edit Page Layouts. The custom page layout and its status will be in the window. Layout Verify

The page layout can be previewed by selecting its name. If the Page Layout's status is Warnings and Errors the line that is breaking the layout can be viewed by selecting its name.

Publishing the Page Layout

Within the Master Page Gallery, click the down error next to the .html file and select Publish a Major Version. This has to be done after the initial creation of the page layout as well as after any edits.

Setting a Page to use the Page Layout.

Navigate to the page in question. Edit the page. In the top ribbon, select the Page tab. Click the Page Layout button. Select the custom page layout just created. Layout Change

Check in the page and publish.