Digital Workplace Core Site Deployment: Adding Custom Styles - akumina/AkuminaTraining GitHub Wiki


Most sites will require custom branding to meet requirements. Fortunately, the Digital Workplace Core site already has deploys a designated location for custom styles to be stored. The digitalworkplace.custom.css file. The digitalworkplace.custom.css is provisioned as a blank file and referenced within the links required by Akumina Framework enabled masterpages. It is left untouched during the upgrade process so any customizations made there will always be preserved.

Making Changes to the digitalworkplace.custom.css

The digitalworkplace.custom.css is stored within /Style Library/DigitalWorkplace/CSS. Simply download it and add custom styles to apply them to the site. For example, we will use the following to change the color of our modification to the masterpage found in the masterpage article.

.my-custom-h1 {

After we're satisfied with our changes, we will upload the edited digitalworkplace.custom.css file back into /Style Library/DigitalWorkplace/CSS. Check in the file. Return to a page on the front end site. Refresh the cache and perform a CTRL + F5 refresh on the page. The new styles will be applied. Tomato!