CAML Query Builder - akumina/AkuminaTraining GitHub Wiki
Akumina Foundation 3.4 and above
The CAML Query Builder is an addition to the Akumina Framework that provides an easy way of generating CAML Queries. This frees up the developer from having to write XML by hand, or Googling CAML syntax to get a valid CAML query.
The CAML Query Builder object only requires two inputs, an Akumina.CamlQueryCriteria object, which contains the properties that will be used in the query, and the rowLimit, which is simply the number of rows that will be returned from the list. A proper call to the CAML Query Builder will follow the format below
In our first example, we query on an item by AkId as well as which matches a title.
var q = new Akumina.CamlQueryCriteria();
q.ListName = "CompanyNews_AK";
q.SelectFields = ["Title","Summary"];
var exp = (new Akumina.PropertyExpression("Title").EqualTo("Featured In the News_Company Awards"));
var exp2 = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("AkId").EqualTo(1);
q.Filter = (exp.And(exp2));
q.Filter = exp;
var query = Akumina.CamlQueryBuilder.Build(q, 5);
This yields the query
<View><ViewFields><FieldRef Name="F1"/></ViewFields><Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="Title"/><Value Type="Text">Featured In the News_Company Awards</Value></Eq></Where><OrderBy></OrderBy></Query><RowLimit>5</RowLimit></View>
Here we will insert a CAML query built buy the Akumina.CamlQueryBuilder into a SharePoint JSOM function accessing a list. The original example can be found at
function retrieveListItems() {
var q = new Akumina.CamlQueryCriteria();
q.ListName = "CompanyNews_AK";
q.SelectFields = ["Title","Body", "ID"];
var exp = (new Akumina.PropertyExpression("Title").EqualTo("Featured In the News_Company Awards"));
var exp2 = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("AkId").EqualTo(1);
q.Filter = (exp.And(exp2));
q.Filter = exp;
var query = Akumina.CamlQueryBuilder.Build(q, 5);
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext();
// set the listname
var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(q.ListName);
var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
// Set the viewXML to the built CAML
this.collListItem = oList.getItems(camlQuery);
Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded),
Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed)
function onQuerySucceeded(sender, args) {
var data = {};
data.Items = [];
var listItemEnumerator = collListItem.getEnumerator();
while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) {
var oListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
var listItemInfo =
"ID": oListItem.get_id(),
"Title": oListItem.get_item('Title'),
"Body": oListItem.get_item('Body')
function onQueryFailed(sender, args) {
console.log('Request failed. ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
The CAML Query Criteria object contains all properties needed for the CAML Query Builder to construct your query. These properties are explored below
The name of the list you are querying. This is passed as a string
var criteria = new Akumina.CamlQueryCriteria();
criteria.ListName = "Sample_AK";
The fields we are retrieving from the list. This is as a string array.
var criteria = new Akumina.CamlQueryCriteria()
criteria.SelectFields = ["ID", "Title", "AkNumber"];
The query filter expression. All values that you would expect to find between the <Where></Where>
tags within a query. The Filter is constructed through the use of the Akumina.PropertyExpression object
The Akumina.PropertyExpression object creates an expression based a column name within the list. Expressions can be generated through the following examples
var exp = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("Title").Contains("akumina");
This yields the Query Filter expression
<Where><Contains><FieldRef Name="Title"/><Value Type="Text">akumina</Value></Contains></Where>
var exp = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("Title").EqualTo("akumina");
This yields the Query Filter expression
<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name="Title"/><Value Type="Text">akumina</Value></Eq></Where>
var exp = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("AkId").NotEqualTo(1);
This yields the Query Filter expression
<Where><Neq><FieldRef Name="AkId"/><Value Type="Text">1</Value></Neq></Where>
var exp = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("AkId").GreaterThan(1);
This yields the Query Filter expression
<Where><Gt><FieldRef Name="AkId"/><Value Type="Text">1</Value></Gt></Where>
var exp = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("AkId").GreaterThanOrEqualTo(1);
This yields the Query Filter expression
<Where><Geq><FieldRef Name="AkId"/><Value Type="Text">1</Value></Geq></Where>
var exp = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("AkId").LessThan(1);
This yields the Query Filter expression
<Where><Lt><FieldRef Name="AkId"/><Value Type="Text">1</Value></Lt></Where>
var exp = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("AkId").LessThanOrEqualTo(1);
This yields the Query Filter expression
<Where><Leq><FieldRef Name="AkId"/><Value Type="Text">1</Value></Leq></Where>
exp = (new Akumina.PropertyExpression("Title").Contains("akumina"));
exp2 = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("AkId").EqualTo(12);
andExp = (exp.And(exp2));
This yields the Query Filter expression
<Where><And><Contains><FieldRef Name="Title"/><Value Type="Text">akumina</Value></Contains><Eq><FieldRef Name="AkId"/><Value Type="Text">12</Value></Eq></And></Where>
exp = (new Akumina.PropertyExpression("Title").Contains("akumina"));
exp2 = new Akumina.PropertyExpression("AkId").EqualTo(12);
orExp = (exp.Or(exp2));
This yields the Query Filter expression
<Where><Or><Contains><FieldRef Name="Title"/><Value Type="Text">akumina</Value></Contains><Eq><FieldRef Name="AkId"/><Value Type="Text">12</Value></Eq></Or></Where>
The order in which we want to retrieve rows based on their fields. This is passed as an array of Akumina.SortDirection objects.
var criteria = new Akumina.CamlQueryCriteria()
var orderby = [];
orderby.push(new Akumina.SortOrderAndDirection("Title", Akumina.SortDirection.Ascending));
orderby.push(new Akumina.SortOrderAndDirection("AkId", Akumina.SortDirection.Descending));
criteria.OrderBy = orderby;
The id of the content langugage to be retrieved from the list. This is a numeric value and can be retrieved from the UserContext.
var criteria = new Akumina.CamlQueryCriteria()
//language code (Croatian)
criteria.LanguageId = 1050;
var criteria = new Akumina.CamlQueryCriteria()
//language code from UserContext
criteria.LanguageId = Akumina.Digispace.UserContext.LanguageId;