Akumina Framework Overview - akumina/AkuminaTraining GitHub Wiki
New Features
A new feature debuting in the release that is fully integrated with Office 365 groups and all of data associated with them. Akumina Workspaces empower users to easily create and manage their own collaboration space. Supporting architecture is shown in the image below.
Workspaces is only available for Office 365 tenants. More information can be found at The Akumina Learning Center
New Site Creator Options
Digital Workplace Core Site
The Digital Workplace Core Site deployment only deploys the core framework architecture. This includes:
- SharePoint Lists that support the Core Framework
- Core Style Library content
- The following Site Creator configuration properties:
- InterChange URL, Query Key
- Enable AzureAD and AD properties
- Caching Strategy
- Debug Mode
- Search Page Exclusion List
- Language Neutral List When upgrading for versions past, the upgrade process is run via the Digital Workplace Core Site Deployment.
Digital Workplace Foundation Site
The Digital Workplace Foundation Site sets site specific options including
- Logo Image
- Theme
- Google Map Key As well as deploying Digital Workplace Foundation Site specific pages, widget instances, and content. NOTE - If the core site is not yet deployed, it will run as part of the Digital Workplace Foundation Site
Add Workspaces to Existing Site
If an instance of AppManager is licensed to support Workspaces, a Workspaces Featured Enabled option will appear within the Digital Workplace Foundation Site Deployment view.
Information on installing the Digital Workplace Core and Foundation Sites can be found at The Akumina Learning Center.
Information on the Core Site can be found in the Core Site Overview Article
Configuration Context
Site Configuration Settings are now cached separately and made available on an AppManager Endpoint. We can refresh the Configuration Cache from within the debug panel.
For more information on the Configuration Context see the following article
New AppManager Jump Points
Within the Front End Widget Manager there are now two additional Jump Points to App Manager.
- Manage Widget Instance - Jumps user to the Widget Manager's Widget Instance
- Related Apps - Jumps user to the Widget's associated Content App if one exists.
Click and Drag Dashboard Page Builder Interface
Within the Dashboard Page, the Page Builder Interface has been added to enable easy customization of Dashboard Widgets. This feature is also available within Workspaces.
Widget Store
Within the Widget Manager, the Widget Store has been added. The Widget Store enables developers to Share Custom Widget Definitions and Widget Instances across different AppManager instances.
For more information see Widget Store Article
New Debug Panel Options
The Debug Panel within the Akumina Framework has the following improvements made to it
- Updated Caching UI
- Updated Configuration Context UI
- Updated Site Context UI
- Updated User and Group Info UI
- New Page Life Cycle CONSTANTS Status UI
- New Widgets on Page Summary UI
For more details, see the Debug Panel Overview
AutoTranslate for Multilingual
TBD upon completion of Learning Center Article
Changes from
Information Now Cached to AppManager Endpoint
The following pieces of data have been moved to a Cached AppManager Endpoint.
- Digispace Configuration Data
- Widget Instances & Properties
- Page LifeCycle data
- Azure AD User Properties This reduces the number of calls to be made during page load and provides a boost to front end performance. However, as we are accessing AppManager for this data now, it should be noted that AppManager needs to be active for these endpoints to work. Ensure that any updates to AppManager files are done outside of working hours as the front end will not have access to these endpoints during this time.
The AppManager Endpoint Cache will refresh upon the execution of the following events.
- A Widget's properties are edited on the front end
- A Widget's properties are edited on the back end
- The Cache Widget Instances button is clicked within the Widget Manager
- The SiteCreator Update Configuration Settings action is run
- Refresh Configuration Cache is clicked within the Debug Panel
Values moved out DigispaceConfigurationIDS_AK list
Specific values have been moved out of the DigispaceConfigurationIDS_AK list. These are all populated in their respective locations upon initial deploy of SiteCreator.
- InterChangeURL - now stored within digitalworkplace.custom.js
- InterChangeQueryKey - now stored within digitalworkplace.custom.js
- AADClientSecret - now stored in Azure Table.
- ClientID - now stored in Azure Table.
After initial deployment, InterChangeURL and InterChangeQueryKey must be modified manually within digitalworkplace.custom.js
New Values in DigispaceConfigurationIDS_AK
- AkTokenDuration
- Value is a number set in minutes. Will validate the AK Token only after interval expires.
Page Life Cycle Core steps now controlled by DigispaceConfigurationIDS_AK
Page Life Cycle Core steps are no longer suppressed/enabled in the LoaderConfiguration object within the digitalworkplace.custom.js. They are controlled by adding an entry to the DigispaceConfigurationIDS_AK list. For more information see the Page Life Cycle Article.