Install PHPMyAdmin on Raspberry Pi - ajumalp/rpi-nas GitHub Wiki

sudo apt -y install phpmyadmin
  • When you see Configure php my admin window, just hit enter key without making any changes
  • After few seconds, you will see similar window again. Select no option in that window also
  • We also need to install PHP MySQLi. Run below command to do that
sudo phpenmod mysqli
  • We need to restart the Apache server by running below command
sudo service apache2 restart
  • Now move the PHPMyAdmin to /usr/share folder. Run below command for this
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/html/phpmyadmin
  • To confirm the installation, open http://<rpi ip address>/phpmyadmin in browser
  • In my case it is,
  • Use your login credentials and login to phpMyAdmin
  • Default database user name is root and password is password
  • You should see the phpMyAdmin database manager window now