msa congdb congregation links - ajtruckle/meeting-schedule-assistant-support GitHub Wiki
Right-click the hyperlink on the Congregations maintenance page and select Add Hyperlink or Edit Hyperlink to display this window.
It allows you to change the hyperlink associated with the currently selected congregation or speaker.
The following type of hyperlink are supported:
- file://
- http://
- https://
- mailto:
Specify the URL as required.
Make sure you click OK to save your hyperlink setting to the database!
How can a hyperlink be useful?
Here are some suggestions:
1. Keep a set of directions to a Kingdom Hall:
2. Keep the Coordinator or Speakers email address:
3. You might have a file on your computer with directions and details:
The Browse button is only enabled when file:// is selected. Then you can simply navigate to the file you want to link to. However the same limits apply as previously stated regarding the number of characters.