Minutes_Standards_2024 07 - airr-community/airr-standards GitHub Wiki

Standards Call 2024-07


  • Preparations for AIRR Community Meeting VII
    • Future structure
    • Co-Leads, anyone?
    • Reporting in general, WG poster in specific.
  • #784: Reactivity/Rearrangement changes
  • #783: Should the v1.5.1 release be v1.6.0 instead (due to addition of js package)?



  • Date: Mon, 2024-05-06 18:00 UTC
  • Present: Brian, Chaim, Christian, Ulrik, (Felix)
  • Regrets: -


  • Preparation for AIRR-C VII:
    • Will continue as WG
    • Co-Leads
      • WG interprets the merger between MiniStd and DataRep in 2020 as the creation of a new WG. Therefore neither of the Co-Leads is term-limited.
      • Both Co-Leads are willing to run again, no other candidates
      • Voting results for Jason: 4 Yay, 1 abstention; Jason accepts.
      • Voting results for Christian: 4 Yay, 1 abstention; Christian accepts.
    • Content for poster
      • Changes in v2, why does it matter, why is this the end of the road?
      • Resources of the WG: Specs (main, ADC), packages (R, Python, JS), Docs & WG products (GLDB, Software, ComRepo, Standards); provide some guidance to how to use these resources.
      • Visualize Schema -> Miro Board
      • Iterate features of the AIRR Schema through the FAIR principles
      • LitMap for MiAIRR and DataRep paper
  • v1.5.1/v1.6.0: No one gives a shrug, Jason will handle this.
  • Reactivity: Some discussion whether the proposed distinction between "inferred" and "annotated" is meaningful. Will discuss in next meeting.
  • Administrative note: The Mondays in 2 weeks and 3 weeks are public holidays in Germany and the US. Will Doodle to see whether we can find a new data in Week 21.
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