Minutes_Standards_2023 04 - airr-community/airr-standards GitHub Wiki

Standards Call 2023-04


  • Review PR #680, addressing #663 and #667.
  • Review bugs and other issues for v1.4.2 patch release (#674).
  • Should we switch our schema validator (#668)?
  • Do we need to clarify the contribution criteria and licensing? What is the process around contributing?
  • Review #687 (airr-js package).
  • Review #683 and #685.
  • Can we add a miairr_compliant flag? This would be a boolean which determine if an AIRR data object needs to match the miairr criteria.
  • Thoughts around creating an official AIRR compliant AnnData object? Sciverse have recently introduced the official AIRR compliant format for Rearrangements data. But is there any thoughts about extending this to Repertoire metadata?



  • Date: Mon, 2023-04-17 18:00 UTC
  • Present: Jason, Christian, William, Brian, Grisha, James, Felix, Ulrik, Susanna, Kira, Eve
  • Regrets:


  • Discussed #680 and made notes in the ticket. Should be fine to merge in after addressing the ticket comments.
  • For #685, rename GenotypeSets to SubjectGenotype. Okay to merge in for v1.4.2 after testing on iReceptor, with the understanding that the long term solution will differ.
  • A request was made from Comms to presentation on AIRR Standards for this event: https://www.antibodysociety.org/the-airr-community/meetings/airr-community-special-event-2023-zooming-in-to-the-community-ii/ Can we reply in 1-2 week?
  • Can we add a validation bypass flag to the python library reader? A PR will be submitted for discussion.
  • An AIRR compliant AnnData object is and implementation and therefore out of scope for the WG, but we are happy to help.
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