Minutes_Standards_2022 05 - airr-community/airr-standards GitHub Wiki

Standards Call 2022-06


  • Note there was no call in May due to the AIRR-C VI meeting
  • Election of WG leads (Candidates: Jason, Christian)
  • Report from AIRR-C VI meeting
  • Release of v1.4
    • Decide on changelog style and finalize (#602)
    • Decide on how much refactoring to do for the R and python packages (#581)
  • Planning for Interval VI
    • Repo / Issue / PR clean-up
    • Goals for v2.0
    • Beyond v2.0
  • Commit/PR Guidelines
    • One Issue - one PR (no "tick box" issues")
    • Use the "draft PR" status until PR is feature-complete
    • Every non-minor PR should be presented at a call to decide whether "draft" status can be removed and PR can be finalized.
    • PRs should be merged within four weeks after going out of "draft" status
    • Every PR should include a commit to the change_log
  • Is the concept of Schema Extensions (see #318) still worth implementing?
  • What is the relationship between schema and API? How to implement schemas?



  • Date: Mon, 2022-06-13 18:00 UTC
  • Present: Chaim, Brian, Kira, Ulrik, Jason, Christian, Marco


  • Christian and Jason re-elected as Co-Leads
  • AIRR-Meeting Report:
    • Cross-WG activity for Schema vs. API definitions: How to implement germline schema as an API, which endpoints, etc? Is germline part of the ADC API (currently no)? Which other groups need to be involved here? GLBD and/or Software? This is clearly a v2.0 issue. Push discussion to next meeting - reach out to other WGs.
    • Changes in support for SRA submission (also v2.0 issue)
      • Deprecate SRA support for MiAIRR metadata. Refer people to CEDAR to submit MiAIRR metadata.
      • Drop recommendation to submit to Genbank
      • Add new recommendation to submit to ADC or Geo
  • v1.4 release
    • Finish #581. Jason will try to finishing R package over the next weeks.
    • Will use old style for changelog (#602). Everyone edit and we are good to go.
  • Roadmap to (and beyond) v2.0
    • Consensus of 4 people (low attendance for this meeting)
    • General goal is to hit an end point of the AIRR Schema development (for the time being) with v2.1
    • Focus on one PR at a time, do not let PRs linger around for more than between calls
    • Older v2.0 todo list in #305
    • Will update CONTRIBUTING with new strategy
  • Schema extensions (#318): Decided to shelf the use of a formalized mechanism to change requirement levels based on the values of other fields. The fields in question (region, country and ethnicity should be included in the general schema an set to a requirement level of important. If we re-visit this issue at any point, we should have a look at the Extension Schema.
  • New discussion: It's hard to contribute to the WG as there are lots of things with a rather long history. This results in high complexity and occasional confusion. Can we document our way out of this? Have a "quick start" manual? Maybe collect bullet points of pain points?
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