Minutes_Standards_2021 07 - airr-community/airr-standards GitHub Wiki

Standards Call 2021-07


  • How do we call the products of this WG and how are they defined? Is this working group the exclusive owner of these products or are other WGs also involved? (Current short list: MiAIRR, AIRR Data Format/ Standard/Representation (?), AIRR Data Schema).
  • Continue discussion regarding Travis (#484) from Call 2021-06.
  • Continue discussion on single-cell representation (#409). See Christian's comment with slide deck that visualizes the options discussed so far. The question on the table is whether we can agree on Option 3 as the on-disk representation while keeping the Schema and the API endpoints as they are.



  • Date: Mon, 2021-07-12 18:00 UTC
  • Present: Felix, Francisco, Jason, Susanna, Ken, Kira, Chaim, Scott, Ulrik, Christian, Brian, Lindsay
  • Regrets: -


  • WG products: There is general agreement to have fixed names, proposed hierarchy and ownership (assumed in the case of ComRepo) as follows:
    • "AIRR Data Commons", "ADC" (owner: ComRepo)
    • "AIRR Standards" (owners: Std & ComRepo)
      • "AIRR Schema" (owners: Std & ComRepo)
        • "ADC API" (owner: ComRepo)
        • "AIRR Data Format" (owner: Std)
        • "MiAIRR" (owner: Std)
    • under discussion: "AIRR TSV" and "AIRR Data Standard"
  • Travis: Scott deactivated testing for branches, will resume discussion in next call
  • Single-cell representation: Longer discussion. There is no general desire to get rid of a distinct representation of the Cell object. Therefore this becomes a more general question about the relation between the Schema and its representations. Started a discussing whether "merged objects" (i.e., INNER JOINs of different objects) should be allowed in general. This would require that EVERY property within the Schema has a unique name. While this should be the case in practice it is currently not enforced. This would also affect custom fields, i.e., implementors should prefix their terms to avoid collisions (also in the future). Will continue discussion on Github, see Christian's comment with slide deck as starting point.
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