Minutes_MiniStd_2020 04 - airr-community/airr-standards GitHub Wiki

MiniStd Call 2020-04



  • MiAIRR requirement levels: Changes to AIRR schema and the related documentation have now been merged (#297, #319, #342).

New Topics

  • Approach journals/publishers again to see whether they would be willing to make compliance to AIRR Standards a requirement for publication.
  • This is our first joint call with DataRep and ComRepo. Therefore we will keep our content to the minimum to allow for enough time to discuss organizational questions



  • Date: Mon, 2020-04-06 18:00 UTC
  • Present: Brian, Chaim, Christian, Felix, Florian, Francisco, Jason, Ken, Lindsay, Scott, Susanna, Uri and probably three more people...
  • Note: This was a joint call with DataRep and ComRepo

New Topics

  • Approach journals/publishers: No luck so far with Nature Immunology, will try Frontiers next. Felix will prepare a draft letter.
  • Joint calls: The current Monday spot works fine for everyone on the call, no complains so far from people who could not make it. Will continue to use Google Meet unless someone objects. The groups will remain separate for the next couple of months, if this format is successful we will propose an official merger for the GA in December to become the "AIRR Standards WG".
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