Minutes_MiniStd_2019 06 - airr-community/airr-standards GitHub Wiki

MiniStd Call 2019-06



  • Current state of manuscript

New topics

  • Discuss about possibilities to submit data to NCBI and how to retrieve it from there: Discoverability of data on SRA; keywords currently only apply to TLS and Genbank.
  • CAIRR in AIRR documentation



  • Date: Fri, 2019-07-12 13:30 UTC
  • Present: Ahmad, Christian, Erand, Florian, Francisco, Marcos, Nina

New topics

  • CAIRR in AIRR documentation: Ahmad and Marcos will follow-up with John regarding potential changes in the AIRR Docs to increase the visibility of CAIRR submission pipeline. Based on this, they will create a PR against the AIRR Standards repo (#223).
  • Standards development: Erand will send around information regarding standardization workflows currently under development by Enkeledja's group. There seems to be limited overlap with MiniStd's products at this point, but we will discuss again about processes in the next call.
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