Minutes_MiniStd_2019 04 - airr-community/airr-standards GitHub Wiki

Meta: 2019-04-12, 13:30 UTC

** Present ** - Ahmad, Brian, Christian, Florian, John, Lindsay

** New Topics ** = WG-to-SC transition = - Please let us know in case you would like to become a MiAIRR maintainer. - Regarding IP issues, please read my mail from 2018-04-08 15:02 UTC - Will propose to GA that transition will be deferred until the manuscript

has been published, however ExCom should be authorized now to do it without an addition vote (once the ms is out).

= AIRR Metaanalysis and Ecosystem Demonstrator WG (AIRR MAEco) = - Currently 5 members from 4 different WGs. - To join, just send a mail to [email protected]

= Need to clarify duplicate_count = - For details see Github Issue #161

  • Note that this field is part of the NCBI Genbank implementation.

** Resolutions ** = keywords_* in MiAIRR - Will introduce keywords_study into MiAIRR Set 1 along with the

possible tags contains_ig, contains_tcr, contains_single_cell and contains_paired_chain.
  • See Github Issues #185 and #174 for further details

** Follow-ups ** - NULL-able property for MiAIRR fields has now been added (PR#182) - Proposal to retire XLS sheets for NCBI submission has been rejected,

we now are looking for maintainers.

** Organization ** = AIRR2019 = - Will need to start on a slide deck for AIRR2019, here's the link:


= New manuscript = - Need volunteers for individual sections, time frame for completetion

is July/August. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TsNYgLoRExCxu0aYu_RC7x8FbCtwqOBsRGRMj8n8vjc
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