Minutes_MiniStd_2017 xx - airr-community/airr-standards GitHub Wiki

Meta: 2017-12-15, 13:30 UTC

** Present ** 10+ [will do a list for future calls]

** Organization ** - Will switch to BlueJeans as conference system. - New static URL is https://bluejeans.com/664700659/4096/ - No time change (2nd Friday of a month, 9:30am EST/EDT)

** Housekeeping ** = Mailing list = - Renamed to AIRR-standards - Will send broad invitation to join to AIRR community - Will reconfirm existing addressed soon (opt-out)

= GitHub = - Potential contributers should contact Ahmad or Christian for an invitations

to the "airr-community" organization and the "Minimal Standards" team.
  • Development model / push access currently still under discussion
  • Copyright note and contributor license agreement (CLA) pending [Christian]
  • Will update repository checkout on Zenodo after copyright note is pushed [Ahmad]

= Google Drive = - Will remove outdated and/or redundant shared documents on Google drive - Will collect everything related to NI MS in new shared folder [Florian]

** Group internal guidelines ** - Regular calls are time-boxed and on fixed dates, see above - An agenda will be sent around at least one day before the next call - Items on the agenda take precedence during the call - To put an item on the agenda, email to Florian, Christian or the mailing list - Minutes of the call will be send around within two days - In doubt CC mailing list in group communications - Keep shared docs online, ensure that content edits are transparent

(basically: who changed what)

** Future work ** (to join any of these efforts, just put your name behind the respective item in the agenda linked above)

= MiAIRR 1.1 = - "Make it known, make it easy and demonstrate its utility" - Update documentation [Ahmad, Christian] - Public outreach for data sets [Jean] - Meta-analysis using MiAIRR-compliant data -- datasets [Jean, Brian, Jamie] -- analysis [Jean, Jamie]

= MiAIRR 2.0 = - Re-iterate goals: Outline new data types and possible implementations until

the next meeting

= Collaborations with other AIRR WG = - Not explicitly discussed in call - CRWG: Ontologies for key data elements [Brian]

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