Making a pull request - aiidateam/aiida-core GitHub Wiki


  1. Does your bug fix or feature have a corresponding GitHub issue? If not, open one!

  2. Create a new issue branch using the following naming convention:

    git checkout -b issue_1234_short_description_of_issue
  3. Add your changes and commit them to your issue branch.

  4. When you're ready, push your local branch to your fork

    git push origin issue_1234_short_description_of_issue
  5. Create a pull request on GitHub from the branch in your fork to the correct branch of aiidateam/aiida_core

    • Open your pull request only once you believe your changes are ready to be merged.
      If you keep pushing changes to an open PR, developers are flooded with emails.
    • Use the PR title to describe its contents (bad: "Fix issue 1234", good: "quicksetup now works without sudo")
    • Mention the issue number in the description of the PR
  6. If any of the automatic integration tests fail, fix them until you get the green check mark.
    The aiida-core maintainers will now start reviewing your PR.

Automatic tests

All PRs undergo continuous integration testing using Travis. In order to pass, your PR needs to:

  • pass the pre-commit checks, including coding style and static analysis
  • pass all aiida tests
    • using the django and sqlalchemy database backends
    • on python2.7 and python3.6
  • build the documentation without warnings

On top of this, developers may ask you to document and test added functionality.