Vertex_Section - aiekick/NoodlesPlate GitHub Wiki
this section correspond to the vertex shader.
it is written like that :
@VERTEX. the possible key and parmas are QUAD() POINTS(params) MESH(params) INSTANCES(params) DISPLAY(params)
QUAD() it the defualt key, when you have nothing or specified. its the quad primitive like in GlslSandbox and ShaderToy
POINTS() it the primitve point like in VertexShaderArt. the params can be :
- a number who correspond to the total point count : POINTS(VALUE) => POINTS(1000)
- a slider notation, for have a slider in the left pane, for tune it : POINTS(INF:SUP:DEFAULT) => POINTS(1000:100000:50000)
- you have a sepcific uniform for get the point count : uniform float(maxpoints) name;
MESH() is the primtive mesh. you can load a mesh. at this moment you can uplaod only a mesh file obj with triangular faces.
- if you sepcify file like MESH(file.obj). the mesh will be loaded auto matically after section header modification
- if you specify params or nothings, you always loa a file after (in the left pane)
INSTANCES() is the instance count, like point you can sepcify a number or a slider notation, and in this case you have a slider in the left pane
- you have a specific uniform for get the instances count : uniform float(maxinstances) name;
- see this sample if you want : SdfInstancing
DISPLAY() is a params for permit the render mode of the meshs. you have many possibilities :
- DISPLAY(POINT¨S,LINES,TRIANGLES) like that you have a combobox in the left pane for choice the render mode in this list
- DISPLAY() you have the full choice, LINES / LINE_STRIP / LOOP / POINTS / TRIANGLES / TRIANGLES_FAN / TRIANGLES_STRIP. its the defualt if you have write nothings
- DISPLAY(TRIANGLES), no combobox, here, the only possible render mode is fixed like that
after the section you need to write that (classic glsl) :
for QUAD : layout(location = 0) in vec2 name;
for POINTs : layout(location = 0) in float vertexIdName;
for mesh : maybe you mesh not have vertex color or normal bu if yes you need that layout(location = 0) in vec3 pos; layout(location = 1) in vec3 normalname; layout(location = 2) in vec4 colorName;
you can define what you want for these names, the important things is the location number