Shader_Import - aiekick/NoodlesPlate GitHub Wiki

Import of Shaders

for the moment, three web site are supported (partially) :

You have two ways :

First way : by Custom URL

For Import a Shader from a site like ShaderToy/GlslSandbox or VertexShaderArt you need to have a url of the shader you want to import, the site will be recognized automatically from the url

Go To File/Import/Custom Url :


Second Way : by Library of URL

you can acces a internal library of all the urls :

  • you have improted by the past
  • are already available in the release of NoodlesPlate.

they are organized, by site, pseudo, and name

this lib is saved in the config file, located in the same directory as the NoodlesPlate Exe.

Go in File/import/From Sample Url/site :


The Import Bar :

After these two step, A bar will appear :


When you have the bar displayed :

you have three fields :

  • the first field is for enable the use of a proxy
  • the second, is the apikey. only needed for the import from ShaderToy. go here if you want to know how get it
  • the third, is the url of your shader

if you need a proxy, check the checkbox 'Proxy?` and you will have this bar :


so for the proxy you need :

  • in the first field to put the ip + port separated by ':'
  • in the secondc field to put the user + password separated by ':' also

When you have finish, click on the 'load' button.

The shader will be :

  • Imported :

The import, consist to import text and media files related to a shader. So the download of text is fast, but by example in the case of shadertoy, the download of media files, like pictures 2d/3d, sound or others, can take more times according to your connection.

  • Compiled :

the compilation (according to the shader you import, and your GPU/CPU Couple), can take more times.

  • Displayed.

the display is quick, but he will not be displayed if you have erors due to the compilation

there is no Progress Bar foo these steps, at this moment for that. so you need to be patient :)

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️