NodeGraph - aiekick/NoodlesPlate GitHub Wiki
the Node Graph is an experimental feature, let you tune function of the current buffer, and replace some input who have the same signature only. a little buggy for the moment.
the node graph is automatically generated form the analysis of the shader :)
you need first to parse the good shader in teh curreent buffer ( i know the layout is buggy, if you want recalc it, unsselect/select one checkbox) after that you can move a like to another. and click compil for have the result
see a demo here
need improveing / debug, i let it be in the frist beat release, but will chnage in futrue updates.
it need to be a system for manipulate buffers, and assmeble cutom fucntion from a library. the goal of this is not to become a full nodegraph creation systeme, but a mixed, classical code / and quick tuning :)