Includes_File - aiekick/NoodlesPlate GitHub Wiki
you can put in code : #include "file.glsl"
the content of this include file will be merged by NoodlesPlate for compiling in the parent shader
by the way in this include file, you can define Sections :
by example if your main shader is like that
#include "toto.glsl" code
#include "toto.glsl" code
and if toto.glsl contain :
as you see toto.glsl not contian veretx section
so the only section whill be merge are UNIFORMS in Parent VERTEX and Parent FRAGMENT, and FRAGMENT in Parent Fragment, like that :
code_toto_unif code
code_toto_frag code
teh include file can have his own uniforms and as a include file can be common to many buffer, all the unfirosma re grouped. so you tune this include file for all buufer who use it :) powerfull no ? :)