Code_Configs_In_Section - aiekick/NoodlesPlate GitHub Wiki
You have also the possibily to have In-Code Configs;, selectable for each section in a combobox in the left pane
you need to write that :
@CONFIG_START CONFIG_NAME, with config_NAMLE is what you want
put code here
by example :
if you have a fragment code like that :
vec3 p = vec3(0);
p.y = 0.;
p.xz *= chan.r*2.0-1.0;
p.y = 0.;
p.xz *= clamp(chan.r+0.5,0.,1.);
p.y = chan.r * altitude ;
by selecting Scaled_1, you will obtain :
vec3 p = vec3(0);
p.y = 0.;
p.xz *= chan.r*2.0-1.0;
by selecting Elevated, you will obtain :
vec3 p = vec3(0);
p.y = chan.r * altitude ;
you will ahev the choice fo each section shader type :
if you put config in the section @COMMON, you will have the config name where your Common Will be merged.
is he will emrge in VERTEx and FRAGMENT, you will get the choice the the both sections
see this sample if you want : FluidHeightMap