Change and Transport and existing Adobe forms - aidamate13/AMS-Knowledge-Base GitHub Wiki

Change and Transport and existing Adobe forms

On S/4 HANA Cloud


As always we are starting by making a version check in all the systems.

After checking the versions, we download the form that we need to make the change. Use the search bar to find the App/Tcode. The Forms are stored on the following App

Maintain Form Templates


The App displays the Name of the form, a small description for what this form is used and also the available languages (translations) of the form.


By selecting the Form, we can download the original or the translated form. and then perform any change with the program “Adobe LiveCycle Designer”.


The download contains a .zip file and inside 2 or 3 files (depending on if we select the master or not) and we open the file with the same name as the form with the extension .xdp.


After the changes, we go to the app and upload the form.

All the objects are stored inside a Software Collection. In our case we can see to which collection the object is assigned if we click the Versions button.


Because now we already have a collection, the object is already saved in it. So now we have to transport the object. The App we need “Export Software Collection”.


We search for the Identifier (Collection) on the left side bar.


On tab CONTENT we see the object/objects that we have changed on the same Collection.

We select the object that we want to transport, and we press on Export (top right).


If we want to transport only the objects that we have changed, we should select the Changed and Deleted Items.


It's not necessary but we can add a Note with the ticket number.



Keep in mind that: In case we select All items, if the other objects are unchanged then we can transport the Collection without any issue based on the following note. But if there are changed objects that we don’t want to be transported then we have to revert the changes back to the previous version.

For changed objects:

If the transport is set to automatically import, unfortunately there isn’t any way to cancel the transport. So, if for any reason we should cancel the changes (in case we select All items by mistake and there is an object that wasn’t ready to be transported) we must revert the object and make a new transport with the previous changes.


For unchanged objects:

Note 3103104 says that it’s safe to be transported.


An example of All items selected.



After the successful Export, can go the system that we have to transport “Test” and open the App “Import Collection”.


Below we select the Collection that we have exported from DEV, and we click the Name of it.


Then we select the object that we want to import and then press manual import.


We wait a few seconds/minutes and the transport is done into the Test system.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️