Programming the Instruments Cluster - aeonSolutions/AeonLabs-AI-Volvo-MKII-Open-Hardware GitHub Wiki
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Last update 13-05-2024
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DIM Library made by Andrew Gabler a.k.a. Flybrick_S60R
" Enjoy tinkering with cars and learning more C/C++. Currently employed as a full stack web dev. "
Youtube channel
Arduino car tachometer by Viktor Kirilov
"I'm currently driving an old Opel Astra without tachometer. I had a spare arduino and few LEDs, so I made a simple tachometer. I started by cut a 5cm x 1.5cm piece of an old credit cart, drilled 4 holes in it, painted it black and glued 4 LED diods to it. Then I soldered a 220ohm resistors to each positive LED pin and used a common ground. I connected them to arduino via 5x30cm jumpers and hid the arduino in a hole under the wheel. I connected the arduino data pin via voltage divider to the signal pin of the coil and used an old phone charger to power the arduino. In order to work I shared the phone charger and arduino's grounds."
Tachometer by carneeki
"This will display the RPM count on 4x 7 segment displays as well as print RPM to serial port at 250 ms intervals."
ArduinoTachometer by Richard Baker
"This is a basic Tachometer, it uses a Hall effect sensor to detect a magnet on the shaft of the device you are measuring the speed of. Output is to a LCD screen in RPM. The screen brightness can be adjusted with the potentiometer."
Arduino-Tachometer by Source robotics
"This is open source tachometer project that is focused on making small ,compact and precise tachometer. In this github repository you will find everything needed to build this , from code to the STL files and building instructions. There are 2 design versions that use same code but cases are slightly different , but that will be discussed elsewhere in this repository.YouTube link of device in action."
bldc_tachometer by Rustom Jehangir
"An Arduino based brushless motor tachometer that uses one of the three motor wires as a signal. ..."
Arduino-Tachometer-Controller by Arduino-Tachometer-Controller
"Project that can control a 6 cylinder automotive tachometer without code modification. This uses the fact that modern day automotive tachometer is controlled by frequencies with a 50% duty cycle. We use a 12V transistor controlled by a tone pin on the arduino to modulate frequencies at 12V for the tachometer. This can be used in conjunction with other sensors to mimick a car dashboard or for simracing. This is also how the popular racing software "SimHub" does this control. Soon to be released is code for a Project Cars 2 UDP telemetry interpeter that is a fully functional digital racing dashboard."
Tachometer by Oleg Gurev
"* Simple tachometer, based on arduino nano. 7 digit display based on ULN2003 and 74HC595 3 buttons...*"
TachFive by jlz3008
"* Arduino library. Precision tachometer using timer/counter 5*"
Tachometer by Dick Verbunt
"* A small reference of my tachometer project for my Volvo 340. This project uses the raw ignition signal and displays the rpm on the screen. The arduino code has 5 screens (splash, RPM, short time graph, long time graph, highest rpm).*"
Tachometer by brucemack
"* Arduino program for a Go Kart engine tachometer. Analog input comes from a capacitive pick-up on the spark plug wire (one cylinder engine).*"
turntable-tachometer by cathug
"* This respository contains all required files for the IR-sensor-based turntable tachometer.*"
Arduino-Tachometer by Derek Prince
"* Finally getting around to that stray tachometer lead hanging around in the engine bay. As I don't have an oscilloscope and this cable goes for a wild, insulated ride, I don't know if it's carrying a sine wave from the alternator, or a square wave from the ECU. If its a sine wave, I'll probably just throw it into a comparator Op-amp. w/ +5V and 0V in. Might also have to get Schmitty but that's easy. I can even build one if I want to spend forever doing any of the following: measuring betas, swap-test emitter resistors to increase base bias of second BJT, or throw a pot in to be done with it.*"
ASR002-High-Speed-Tach by NVE Corporation
"* This demonstration uses NVE's ASR002 Smart TMR Angle Sensor to determine the speed and position of a 12-volt, 13000 RPM race-car motor.
The sensor is mounted on one of our TDFN eval boards, and connected to an Arduino Uno via SPI. There are two outputs from the Arduino: the absolute angle, generated by a simple R/2R resistor array connected to an oscilloscope; and a tachometer PWM output connected to a meter.*"
Tachometer by Aakash Jhawar
"* Developed a device using Arduino UNO open-source Microcontroller board based on the Microchip ATmega328P which can calculate object’s revolving speed.*"