Program Options - aeheathc/LaharPlot GitHub Wiki

Each executable can take command-line options in the GNU style as provided by the Boost "Program options" library. This is an exhaustive list of every data option and switch for each executable. For a "logical" overview of the data flow that is more geology-oriented, see the Data Flow Overview.


Usage: stream [OPTION]...:
  --help                   Display this help and exit
  -f [ --input-file ] arg  Read topography from input file <arg>
  -i [ --std-in ]          Read topography from standard-in. Can't be used with
  -o [ --output-file ] arg Output to files using the base name <arg>.
  -t [ --std-out ]         Output to standard-out. May be used with
                           --output-file. Silences all logging.
  -r [ --threads ] arg     Set number of threads for parallel calculations.
                           Default is 4.
  -l [ --loglevel ] arg    Control the amount of status information.
                           silent = No status info.
                           normal = Prints error messages and major action
                           progress = Prints a character for each row
                           debug = Prints verbose status information.
  -e [ --eof ]             Sends an EOF to standard-out when done, even in
                           silent mode.


Zone Options
    - '*' denotes a required option
    - All input files must be in the same directory
    - If directory is specified, it must contain no
    - The # symbol in the output file name represents
      which given volume the file is associated with
    - Volume(s) must be unique and specified last
    - The ending point must be exactly on a stream cell
      that the lahar path is following
    - The program will terminate when:
         ~ The maximum planimetric area is reached
         ~ The edge of the SDEM is reached
         ~ The optional ending (x, y) coordinate
           specified in the options is reached
  --help                                Display this help

  -e [ --verbose ]                      Display detailed information.  Due to
                                        multi-threading, it is highly
                                        recommended that you only use verbose
                                        mode when there is only one volume.

  -t [ --status_timer ] arg             Display a status output every <arg>
                                        seconds while calculating the
                                        inundation zone.  The default print out
                                        time is three seconds.  To disable the
                                        status, set this option to zero.

  -n [ --simple_name ] arg              Use the given simple name to open
                                        <arg>.ini, <arg>-sdem.tsv, and
                                        <arg>-fdir.tsv files.  All files must
                                        have same common name and be in the
                                        same directory.  The program will
                                        output the Inundated Zone file using
                                        the same name.  Can't be used with any
                                        other *-name options

  -p [ --directory ] arg                Use the given directory <arg> to direct
                                        the program to all files.  The
                                        Inundated Zone file will be output to
                                        the same directory.  Default directory
                                        is the working directory containing the

  -m [ --meta_data_file_name ] arg      Read information about SDEM data from
                                        ini file with given name.Can't be used
                                        with simple_name.  (File type =

  -s [ --SDEM_file_name ] arg           Read topography from file with given
                                        SDEM-file name.  Can't be used with
                                        simple_name.  (File type =

  -d [ --flow_direction_grid_name ] arg Read flow directions for each cell from
                                        file with given name.  Can't be used
                                        with simple_name.  (File type =

  -o [ --output_file_name ] arg         Output Inundated Zone to file using
                                        given name.  Can't be used with
                                        simple_name. (Result file =

  -a [ --coefficient_A ] arg            Desired coefficient for cross sectional
                                        area.  A = <arg> * V ^ (2/3) The
                                        default value of 0.05 is set in
                                        accordance to Lahar prediction models.

  -b [ --coefficient_B ] arg            Desired coefficient for planimetric
                                        area.  A = <arg> * V ^ (2/3) The
                                        default value of 200 is set in
                                        accordance to Lahar prediction models.

  -x [ --start_x ] arg                  '*' The simulated lahar's starting x
                                        value, <arg>.

  -y [ --start_y ] arg                  '*' The simulated lahar's starting y
                                        value, <arg>.

  -f [ --end_x ] arg                    The simulated lahar's ending x value,
                                        <arg>.  This x value *must* be exactly
                                        on the stream the lahar is following or
                                        it will be ignored.  Must be used in
                                        conjunction with end_y.

  -z [ --end_y ] arg                    The simulated lahar's ending y value,
                                        <arg>.  This y value *must* be exactly
                                        on the stream the lahar is following or
                                        it will be ignored.  Must be used in
                                        conjunction with end_x.

  -v [ --volume ] arg                   '*' The simulated lahar's volumes,
                                        <arg>.  <arg> must contain at least 1
                                        volume in integer form.  Keep in mind
                                        that the more volumes supplied, the
                                        longer this algorithm will take.

Here is an example command line call that uses the zone executable. Everything after this output is from the main algorithm.

./zone -e -t 5 -n test -p D:/nospace/sub -a .0001 -b 3.141592 -x 42 -y 42 --end_x 0 --end_y 0 -v 3000 1500 9000 2600 1500 4200
Simple name set to test.  File names are as follows:
  Meta File Name:            test.ini
  SDEM File Name:            test-sdem.tsv
  Flow Direction File Name:  test-fdir.tsv
  Output file name(s):       test-zone#.tsv
Directory set to D:/nospace/sub
Coefficient A set to 0.0001.
Coefficient B set to 3.141592.
Starting x cell set to 42.
Starting y cell set to 42.
Ending x cell set to 0.
Ending y cell set to 0.
Lahar volume(s) set to:
  Volume 1:  3000
  Volume 2:  1500
  Volume 3:  9000
  Volume 4:  2600
  Volume 5:  1500
  Volume 6:  4200
Verbose mode has been set.
Status timer set to 5.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️