Smart Labels - aegisql/conveyor GitHub Wiki

Quick start: Creating Smart Labels

In most cases you will have a limited number of distinct messages, so you can make your label constants.

This is how you can do it using static fields

public class UserBuilderStep {
   public final static SmartLabel<UserBuilder> SET_FIRST 
      = SmartLabel.of("SET_FIRST",UserBuilder::setFirst);
   public final static SmartLabel<UserBuilder> SET_LAST 
      = SmartLabel.of("SET_LAST",UserBuilder::setLast);
   public final static SmartLabel<UserBuilder> SET_YEAR 
      = SmartLabel.of("SET_YEAR",UserBuilder:: setYearOfBirth);

You can use Java enums to store static immutable SmartLabels - better way to implement the multiton pattern in Java;

public enum UserBuilderStep implements SmartLabel<UserBuilder> {
	private final SmartLabel<UserBuilder> inner;
	<T> UserBuilderStep(SmartLabel<UserBuilder> inner) {
		this.inner = inner;
	public BiConsumer<UserBuilder, Object> get() {
		return inner.get();

and then use


Note that method of(String, BiConsumer) in the first example requires a name. This is an optional parameter, but it makes logging more readable.

Hint: Use 'import static' to avoid Enum type name typing

import static UserBuilderStep.*;

Smart Label functional interface

SmartLabel is a Functional interface, extending Java's Supplier. It has some additional default methods, that makes creation of Smart labels extremely flexible, powerful and easy. Default methods API:

  • identity() - returns same instance.
  • labelName(String name) - assigns visible name for the label, by re-defining its toString method.
  • intercept(Class clas, interceptor) - family of methods. Conveyor allows to send any values, however, in most cases, Builder's consumers will be implemented as methods with certain signature. And if you send Integer value to a method that expects String, you will have a ClassCastException. Intercepting allows to combine several different data consumers under one label.
  • andThen( after) - family of methods. Allows to add some action after
  • before( before) - family of methods. Allows to add some action before
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