Dump or load with CouchDB - aegif/NemakiWare GitHub Wiki
is an maven project for dump/load of CouchDB. - In this project, there are simple Java applications with main method for dump/load.
##Initial Data
Official dump files for initialization are in <INSTALL_PATH>/setup/couchdb/initial_import
Run jp.aegif.nemaki.bjornloka.Dump
with the following arguments.
Parameters(in this order):
Argument | Description |
host | CouchDB host ex. |
port | CouchDB port ex. 5984 |
repositoryId | Target CouchDB database name ex. bedroom |
filePath | Full path of dump destination file By default, timestamp will be attached to this filePath. |
omitTimestamp (optional) |
If this boolean flag is true, a dump file name has no attached timestamp. |
Run jp.aegif.nemaki.bjornloka.Load
with the following arguments.
Parameters(in this order):
Argument | Description |
host | CouchDB host ex. |
port | CouchDB port ex. 5984 |
repositoryId | Target CouchDB database name ex. bedroom |
filePath | Full path of a file to be loaded |
force (optional) |
When the target repository already exists, if this boolean flag is true, delete and recreate the repository with loaded data. |
###Interactive Setup
You can also all load dump files required for NemakiWare at the same time in the interactive mode on the terminal.
Run jp.aegif.nemaki.bjornloka.Setup
Of course it works with no arguments, it can also take the following arguments in this order.
Argument | Description |
host | CouchDB host ex. |
port | CouchDB port ex. 5984 |
mainRepositoryId | Target CouchDB database name(main) ex. bedroom |
archvieRepositoryId | Target CouchDB database name(main) ex. archive |
mainFilePath | Full path of a file to be loaded in the main repository |
archiveFilePath | Full path of a file to be loaded in the archive repository |
java -cp <path>/bjornloka.jar jp.aegif.nemaki.bjornloka.Load 5984 bedroom <path>/bedroom_init.dump true