Extra Fan Output - aegean-odyssey/mpmd_marlin_1.1.x GitHub Wiki

FAN1 Controller Board Mod

As of release 119r16, the mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware includes support for a second controllable fan. This fan is attached to the connector labeled "FAN" on the printer's controller board (circled in the image below).

printer controller board, top-view

Notice, though, that the connector, two resistors, and transistor that make up the switch are not supplied; these components must be added in order to use the "FAN" connector output. The following images and table give the schematic for the fan output, and the placement of the components on the circuit board, along with a parts list. Be sure to mount the transistor (Q3) upside down. This corrects what appears to be a layout error on the circuit board.

fan output, populated fan output, schematic

Component Placement Visualization

Component placement visualization created by Matthew Upp at Gigdigit.

Original Image Size

Parts List

ID Description Package Note Available Source Minimum Suggested Purchase Quantity
R41 24Ω resistor SMD 0603 10Ω - 100Ω should work 118-CR0603-FX-24R0ELFCT-ND x10
R42 10kΩ resistor SMD 0603 RMCF0603FT10K0CT-ND‎ x10
Q3 AO3402 (A29T) N-channel MOSFET SOT-23 mounted upside down! 785-1002-1-ND x2
FAN B2B-XH-A shrouded header through-hole 455-2247-ND x1

When sourcing these components, it's recommended to get multiple of each with the exception of the shrouded header. These parts are incredibly tiny and can be easily lost, or in case of the MOSFET, damaged when bending the leads. While the parts themselves are cheap, shipping will always cost more for replacements should anything happen.

Using the extra FAN

In the firmware, in Marlin terms, this extra fan is considered FAN1 (the stock fan is FAN0). The G/M-code commands, M106 (set fan speed) and M107 (stop fan), control both fans. To set the extra fan (FAN1) speed, use M106 P1 S<speed> where is 0 to 255. To stop the extra fan, use M107 P1. Likewise to control the original fan (FAN0) substitute P0 for P1 or omit the P option altogether.


More discussion about the extra FAN can be found is issue #76, FAN needs support.

Video documentation of compoents being added.

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