Week 05 - aefreedman/SP2018_IntermediateGameDev GitHub Wiki


Download and install Substance Painter

Use your NYU email for a free license.

Devlog - Midterm idea

Add a 200+ word post to your devlog detailing your progress on your midterm.

Iterate on your Midterm

Send me a message on slack when you have updated your build

Playtest next week in class

Your goal for the next iteration

Make sure that you're thinking about the big picture. Don't get tunnel vision.

Your goal this time around is to finish implementing every non-artistic feature of your game. By the end of the iteration your game should literally be (a bad looking version of) your entire game. If anything in your game really isn't "working", now is the time to re-evaluate your scope.

During this week you also need to start getting ready to implement your art pass.

New features for next week

  • Some kind of outcome
    • e.g. an ending; you win; you lose
  • Fully playable from beginning to end
    • "Feature complete"
    • If something isn't working, either:
      • figure out a way to "block it out" and keep the prototype working with a placeholder
      • cut it

Prepare 3 models

  • You will use these models during the Substance Painter tutorial
  • You do not need to implement these prototype models in your game (yet)
  • You should expect to spend 1-2 hours on your models
    • You're going to use them later in your game, anyways
  • They don't need to be perfect