Home - aefreedman/SP2018_IntermediateGameDev GitHub Wiki

Do the following before the first day of class

  1. Join the Slack
  2. Download Unity
    • You should be using version 2017.3
      • Make sure to install WebGL build support
  3. Create a JetBrains student account
    • Make sure to sign up using your @nyu.edu email
  4. Download JetBrains Rider
    • You should be using version 2017.3
  5. Download SourceTree
    • You will need to make an account
    • Connect your GitHub account after you install the app
    • Latest version is 2.7
  6. Make a GitHub account
    • Star this repository
  7. Make an Itch.io account


Quick Info

  • Unity cheat sheet by Robert Yang and Ramsey Nasser
  • Catlike Coding has many well written tutorials. The tutorials on rendering and hex grids are especially good.
  • P4Merge - The (free) Perforce merge tool, P4Merge is hidden in the installer for the Perforce suite. It is the best standalone merge/diff tool available.


Community Answers

Other Stuff