Group Members and Work Breakdown - aedimoff/BusyBee GitHub Wiki

Team Members

Team Leader

  • Arianne


  • Jackie


  • Daniel


  • Patrick

Work Break Down

Monday - Day 1:

1. Setup Github repo, init express, mongo, react

  • All members

2. Backend User Authorization

  • Jackie / Arianne

3. Researching Google map api

  • Daniel / Patrick

4. Backend Route Logic

  • Arianne / Jackie

Tuesday - Day 2:

1. User interface / Main Page

  • All members

2. Build navigation bar

  • Daniel / Patrick

3. Splash

  • Daniel / Patrick

4. Backend Route Logic

  • Arianne / Jackie

3. CSS styling for navigation bar

  • Daniel / Patrick

Wednesday - Day 3:

1. Test and fully optimize User Authorization

  • Backend: Jackie / Arianne
  • Frontend: Daniel / Patrick

2. Continue Building components for User Interface / Main Page

  • All members

3. CSS styling for Splash / Main Page

  • Daniel / Patrick

Thursday - Day 4:

1. Implement API

  • Daniel / Patrick

2. Create an activity endpoint to receive new activity requests.

  • Jackie / Arianne

3. Continuously test API function

  • All members

3. CSS styling for interface

  • Daniel / Patrick

Friday - Day 5:

1. Add functionality to search for top rated

  • Daniel / Patrick

2. Add "search to add new favorite" feature

  • Jackie / Arianne

3. additional CSS styling

  • Daniel / Patrick