GenomeViz - aechchiki/SIB_LongReadsWorkshop_Zurich18 GitHub Wiki

Visualisation of the assembly graph

Section: Genome Assembly [3/5].

This section could already be part of the "Genome assessment" :)


Both Canu and Miniasm generate genome assembly graphs in .gfa format which you can visualize e.g. with Bandage. In the paper there are nice examples.

You'll need to install that on your machine. You can find .zip containers of binaries for Mac, Linux and Windows in the software folder in your working directory or from the official download page. You can try to download these locally on your computer and execute them.

Warning! There are a few dependencies which are described in .txt files within these containers. If it does not work off straight, don't worry we have backup.



For Miniasm:

Visualization example

For Canu:

Visualization example

Related statistics

For Miniasm:

Visualization example

and Canu:

Visualization example

How do they compare?

