Course - aechchiki/SIB_LongReadsWorkshop_Zurich18 GitHub Wiki
Course information
Section: Practical Information [2/4].
This is a general-purpose course, especially targeted for computational biologists, that should provide a first-steps support on how to operate with long reads using command line tools. The goal here is to provide a starting point for researchers that are familiar with next generation data and Unix operations but new to long read sequencing. We are not representatives of any sequencing companies.
Course material
This tutorial was developed for the SIB workshop "Bioinformatics of Long Read Sequencing" (ed. Zürich 2018).
You will also be granted access to the dedicated SIB platform only available to registered participants from where you can:
- download the morning talks
- download the afternoon support
- access the feedback form
You should have received the credentials by e-mail.
Sticky notes
Each participant will be given a set of three sticky notes.
We ask you to stick one of those, visibly, to the back of your laptop according to the color code:
- green = successfully completed a task
- pink = stuck on some exercise -> we come see you as soon as possible
- yellow = have some question -> we come see you when the "pink notes" are cleared out
This will help us to keep track of time and use it wisely, and come assist you in case of need. We encourage you to speak and network with your colleagues/neighbors. Maybe they can help you quicker than the assistants in some cases ;)
As the course only lasts 2 half-days, we have pre-assigned execution timing for each section, allowing:
- us to go through the theory/introduction, together
- you to go through the exercises, alone
- you to get feedback on your exercise execution, or solve your issues
- us to debrief the exercises output, together
The timing will be announced before letting you go through the exercises.