New Banners - ae-encounter-sim/ GitHub Wiki

First time setup

  • Install ImageMagick (used for image conversion and cropping)
  • Sign up for a free API key at Tinify (used to compress the banner image)
    • Create a new file in the python folder named
    • Add one line to this file: tinify_api_key = <YOUR_API_KEY>

New banner resources needed

  • Link to official rates page
    • open the game, Menu > Dreams, then put your phone in airplane mode; click on 'More details here' and you should get an error popup with the link for that particular banner
  • Banner images from game files
    • Base path on a rooted emulator: Root/data/data/games.wfs.anothereden
    • Banner art path: /files/contents/2/files/i18n/en/files/ui/lottery/bg
    • Banner selector images path: /files/contents/2/files/i18n/en/ui/lottery/lottery_top_cell
      • Note: Devs seem to occasionally move these to a different parent folder; if you don't find images at the above path(s), try files/contents/1/..., files/contents/3/..., files/contents/4/..., etc.
    • We need banner art, 91XXX.png, and two images used to make the banner selector, 91XXX.normal.png and 91XXX.highlighted.png

Update process

  • The previous, very manual process has been updated with a single script, Example run via command line:
cd python
python --short_name elseal --img_path C:\Users\Me\AEImages --img_prefix 91047
  • Banner URL is required while optional params --short_name used for CSS and image naming, --img_path for location of banner images to process, and --img_prefix to identify which images to associate with the new banner
  • This script runs the following:
    • Scrapes the URL and grabs banner name, duration, rate up characters, and pull rates, then adds to the list of encounters at encounter_banners.json
    • Processes images by converting image types, cropping, copying, renaming, compressing, and creating a sprite for the banner selector
    • Updates version in index.html and adds CSS for new banners in encounter-sim.css