7. Format methods - adwins/Arrayer GitHub Wiki

7. Format methods.


Format methods.


 * Format methods return new Arrayer object

 * Formats a string according to a $format.

 * Formats a string as date.
$arrayer->var->as_date($format = 'Y-m-d')

 * Gets a string (in specified charset $to_charset).
$arrayer->var->as_string([ $to_charset=null ]);

 * Gets a string in lower case.

 * Gets a string in upper case.

 * Respells (transliterates) the string value.

 * Creates a URL safe name from a string, respelling it and cleaning characters.

 * Escapes string (htmlspecialchars).

 * Hashes string to md5 with given $salt.
$arrayer->var->md5([ $salt = '' ])

 * Hashes string to sha1 with given $salt.
$arrayer->var->sha1([ $salt = '' ]);

 * Hashes string to crypt with given $salt.
$arrayer->var->crypt([ $salt = null ]);

 * Hashes string to sha256.

 * Gets CRC32 of the string value.

 * Reverses the string value.

 * Gets the substring of the string value specified by the $start and $len parameters.
$arrayer->var->substr($start [, $len = null ]);

 * Chunks the string value by $chunklen
$arrayer->var->chunk([ $chunklen = 76 [, $end = "\r\n" ] ]);

 * Encodes the string value with base64.
 * $as_mail = true adds special mime header
$arrayer->var->base64([ $as_mail = false ]);

 * Decodes the string value with base64.

 * Converts the string value to a quoted-printable string.
 * $as_mail = true adds special mime header
$arrayer->var->quoted([ $as_mail = false ]);

 * Converts the quoted-printable string value to a string value.

 * Converts the MIME string to a string (from base64 or quoted_printable).

 * Converts the IP to a Hex value.

 * Converts the Hex value to an IP.

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