6. Common methods - adwins/Arrayer GitHub Wiki

6. Common methods.


Common methods.


 * Counts the length of a string value.
int $arrayer->var->length();

 * Counts the bytes of a string value.
int $arrayer->var->bytes();

 * String manipulation methods affects to the same Arrayer object, returning it.

 * Cleans the object.

 * Trims the object.
$arrayer->var->trim([ $charlist = '']);

 * Strips tags off.
$arrayer->var->strip([ $allowable_tags = '']);

 * Strips slashes.
 * @return Arrayer

 * Adds slashes.

 * Transform to lower case.

 * Transform to upper case.

 * Pads the string value with a given string ($string) to speciefied length ($len).
$arrayer->var->pad($len [, $string = ' ' [, $type = STR_PAD_RIGHT ] ]);

 * Replaces $search to $replace.
$arrayer->var->replace($search, $replace);

 * Converts the object from a charset $from to a charset $to.
$arrayer->var->conv_from($from [ , $to = self::CHARSET ]);

 * Converts the object to a charset $to from a charset $from.
$arrayer->var->conv_to($to [ , $from = self::CHARSET ]);

 * Concatenates a given string (strings, array of strings) to the string value.
$arrayer->var->concat(mixed $string [ , mixed $string [, ... ] ]);

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