4. Advanced features - adwins/Arrayer GitHub Wiki

4. Advanced features.


Advanced features.


 * Get an independent copy of current object.

$copy = $arrayer->copy();

 * Get a copy with initial values, not trimmed at construct, not modified by methods, etc.

$initial = $arrayer->initial();

 * Get a copy with initial trimmed values, not modified by methods, etc.

$initial = $arrayer->initial(true);

 * Reset initial values to current values.
 * After this method Arrayer:initial() will return existed values by moment when Arrayer::reset() have been called.


 * Provide additional values to the object collection.

$arrayer->values($values [, $expected=null [, $trim=false ] ]);

 * Undo any changes to initial values.


 * You can combine methods.


 * This example cleans username, resets initial, transforms to lower and undoes to clean value again.

 * You can iterate Arrayer object

foreach ($arrayer as $variable => $value){

 * Getting data as array

$simple_array = $arrayer->as_array();

 * Getting data as json

$json_string = $arrayer->as_json();

 * Sending data as POST request

$response = $arrayer->post('http://example.com/');

 * Exporting data to $_POST variable


 * Getting data as query

$url = 'http://example.com/?' . $arrayer->as_query();

 * This results to: http://example.com/?username=John%20Smith&age=30

$url = 'http://example.com/?' . $arrayer->as_query('&');

 * This results to: http://example.com/?username=John%20Smith&age=30

 * Getting data as safe SQL query

$sql = 'UPDATE `users` SET ' 
	. $arrayer->as_sql_query()
	. ' WHERE `id` = "'
	. $arrayer->id->as_sql_query()
	. '" LIMIT 1';

 * This results to:
 * UPDATE `users` SET `username`="John Smith", `age`="30", `email`="[email protected]",
 * `id`="13" WHERE `id`="13" LIMIT 1

$sql = 'UPDATE `users` SET '
	. $arrayer->as_sql_query(array('username', 'age'))
	. ' WHERE `id` = "'
	. $arrayer->id->as_sql_query()
	. '" LIMIT 1';

 * This results to:
 * UPDATE `users` SET `username`="John Smith", `age`="30" WHERE `id`="13" LIMIT 1

$sql = 'INSERT INTO `users` '
	. $arrayer->as_sql_query(null, true);

 * This results to:
 * INSERT INTO `users` (`username`, `age`, `email`)
 * VALUES ("John Smith", "30", "[email protected]")

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