3. Validation of data with ArrayerValidate - adwins/Arrayer GitHub Wiki

3. Validation of data with ArrayerValidate.


Validation of data with ArrayerValidate.


 * Arrayer has an auxiliary class ArrayerValidate to validate data.
 * To use it you have Arrayer::validate() method that provides a tunnel to ArrayerValidate.

$post = new Arrayer;


$post->password->validate()->is_empty()->on_true('Empty password');

 * Now we have added an error with error text "Empty password" to $post.
 * We can do some other validations on different variables and then get all errors
 * as an array, each key is a field name, each value is an error text.

$errors = $post->get_errors();

 * For example,
 * $errors = array(
 * 	'password' => 'Empty password',
 * 	'age' => 'Age is outbounding',
 * );

 * You can construct validation queues:

	->is_empty()->on_true('Empty password')
	->md5()->unless($password_etalon, 'Incorrect password');

 * If a value is empty, we log an error, any other validations won't be applied.

 * How to construct validation:
 * Arrayer::validate() returns an ArrayerValidate object expecting an Arrayer method
 * as next chain. The result of that method is hooked up to ArrayerValidate object
 * expecting conditions: `on_true`, `on_false`, `on` or `unless`.
 * After conditions you can add a new validation task to the queue.
 * Conditions:
 * ArrayerValidate::on_true(string $error_text)
 * Error raises when the result of previous method is boolean true.
 * ArrayerValidate::on_false(string $error_text)
 * Error raises when the result of previous method is boolean false.
 * ArrayerValidate::on(mixed $expected_value, string $error_text)
 * Error raises when the result of previous method is equal to expected_value.
 * ArrayerValidate::unless(mixed $expected_value, string $error_text)
 * Error raises when the result of previous method is not equal to expected_value.

 * You can validate several variables ot once:

	->on_empty('username', 'Name is empty!')
	->on_empty('age', 'Age is empty!')
	->on_empty('country', 'Country is empty!');

 * It is like shortcut to $post->var->validate()->is_empty()->on_true('var is empty');

 * After these quick validations you can proceed next validations if everything is ok

if ($post->validate()->is_ok()){
	$post->age->validate()->in_range(10, 90)->on_false('Age is outbounding');
	// etc.

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