1. Basic usage of Arrayer class - adwins/Arrayer GitHub Wiki

1. Basic usage of Arrayer class.


Arrayer class has an idea to make a work with different string array data (such as POST data) easier.

Here there are some examples how to use it.


 * Creating a new Arrayer object based on $_POST variable.

$post = new Arrayer;

 * Now $post is a collection of objects picked up from $_POST array.
 * Suppose, we have recieved a web form like this:
 * <form method="post" action="">
 * 	<input name="username" />
 * 	<input name="email" />
 * 	<input name="age" />
 * 	<input name="password" />
 * 	<input name="repassword" />
 * 	<select name="country">
 * 		<option value="RU">Russia</option>
 * 		<option value="DE">Germany</option>
 * 		<option value="US">USA</option>
 * 		<option value="MX">Mexico</option>
 * 		<option value="CN">China</option>
 * 	</select>
 * </form>
 * Then, we can achieve those values in this way:

echo 'Your username is ' . $post->username . '<br />';

echo 'Your age is ' . $post->age . '<br />';

 * At this time $post->username is an Arrayer object, too.
 * Now you can do some manipulations with it.
 * For example, the Array::clean() method cleans the value from
 * leading spaces and tabs, repeated newlines, etc.


 * If we had username equal to "John   Smith", now we have got "John Smith".

 * It is worth noting, all variables passed to Arrayer constructor are already trimmed
 * by method Arrayer::trim().

 * You can also do group operations like this:


 * All values of $post are now clean.

 * Some other example:
 * Let's get an MD5 hash of password.

$password_hash = $post->password->md5();

 * Or even twice:

$password_hash= $post->password->md5()->md5();

 * First of all, when you are getting POST data, you need to check the values.
 * Method Arrayer::check() returns an Arrayer object in any case whether checked variable exists or does not.


 * If $_POST['username'] (and so $post->username) does not exist, it will be defined
 * and no error will occur when you try to call a method on it.
 * You can also provide a default value when checking:

$post->check('country', 'RU');

 * For those cases when you need to check some expected values,
 * you can check it like this:

if (!$post->country->in('RU', 'DE', 'US', 'MX', 'CN')){
	$post->country = 'RU';

 * You can combine methods to check a variable and its value:

if ($post->check('username')->is_empty()){
	echo 'Username is empty<br />';

if (!$post->check('email')->is_email()){
	echo 'Email is not valid<br />';

if (!$post->check('age')->is_number()){
	echo 'Age is not number<br />';

if (!$post->check('age')->in_range(10, 90)){
	echo 'Age is outbound<br />';

if (!$post->check('password')->is($post->check('repassword'))){
	echo 'Passwords are misspelled<br />';

 * You can also add some extra post values.

$post->extrafield = 'Some value';

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