Project Info Templates - adventures-in/projects_summary GitHub Wiki

Project Description

On the Meetup

  • Created On
  • Number of contributors
  • Summary of topics covered (topics could links to topic on adventures_in site)

README - Relevant Topics

If each project has a list of topics that people may be interested in, it will make it easier for anyone that views the repo to quickly decide if it's worth looking into.

The sections could be:


eg. ios, android, web, macos


eg. remote_dev_tools

state management

eg. provider


eg. google_maps_flutter

firebase services:

eg. messaging, firestore, etc.


eg. Github Actions for CI, Firebase Emulators Suite for testing

Connecting A Firebase Project

  • create a new project
  • set to the blaze plan


See Governance (WIP) ยท Wiki If we create a page for each type (wiki or in the Tech World app for example), we could just link to that in the project descriptions