Code Of Conduct (WIP) - adventures-in/projects_summary GitHub Wiki



This is very much a WIP - please feel free to suggest improvements on our Discord

Code Reviews

DO make polite requests

  • polite requests will probably be more appreciated than issuing commands
  • for example, "please change X to Y" is better than "change X to Y" but "looks good, how would you feel about changing X to Y?" is better again

DO respond

  • ignoring good faith questions and requests makes people less likely to want to work together
  • this should be balanced with (AVOID pestering or badgering) and politely responding that you don't want to continue a discussion, ideally with an explanation, should be respected
  • acknowledging receipt of comments, even just with something like "seen it, thanks, nothing to add" is very helpful


TRY to rebuild trust after interpersonal conflict

  • conflict is inevitable, we are all humans with egos
  • there will always be different ways to interpret guidelines, comments, etc. and without trust between colleagues it is likely conflict will quickly and frequently re-occur
  • try to have a conversation with the aim of rebuilding trust

PREFER presenting your opinion as opinion rather than fact

  • opinions presented as fact implies all opposing opinions are wrong and creates a space where stating an opposing an opinion is already an argument
  • it may be worth noting that opinions presented as fact indicate (perhaps counterintuitively) that you are actually less likely to understand the subject matter (see Dunning-Kruger effect)

AVOID pestering or badgering

DO provide your reasoning when making a suggestion or request

  • if others have to explain their reasoning there is an asymmetry of effort, creating a barrier to expressing a different opinion
  • see for example Brandolini's law - Wikipedia

Meetups: Online

TRY to make people feel welcome when they arrive late

  • if pair-programming and people arrive, briefly run them through the overall structure of the app, describe the problem you’re solving and navigate from the entry point through to what you’re working on

Meetups: General

DO come to events if you want to participate as described in the event description

  • working on your own project / co-learning / collaborating

DON'T come to events if you don't want to participate as described in the event description

DO feel free to ask people what they are up to

  • showing an interest in what others are working on is part of why we're here

DO be respectful if other people are focused on something

  • if someone indicates they don't want to chat at that time, it is important to respect that

TRY to wait for a good time to join a conversation

  • when a group is working together on something, if you are not already part of the conversation it can break the group's flow to jump in suddenly
  • balance this with DO feel free to ask people what they are up to

DON’T take on a role if you have not been asked to

AVOID taking on a teaching or expert role

  • everyone should be treated with respect and not made to feel inferior
  • we can help others or answer questions without taking on a role with a superior/inferior dynamic

AVOID monopolising conversation

  • taking up a large amount of the available bandwidth takes away from other people's experience

AVOID always contradicting

  • repeatedly contradicting people, particularly when the statement you are contradicting was not a strong statement, creates a negative environment and limits the flow of ideas


TRY to provide a resource rather than stating a fact without evidence

  • many disagreements can be avoided by providing a reference from the outset
  • sharing sources of high quality references benefits everyone

AVOID presenting opinion as a fact

  • believing strongly there is only one answer and that you know it is still an opinion
  • presenting an opinion as fact often shuts down other ideas or different opinions