Dev meeting summary - adventuregamestudio/ags GitHub Wiki
A summary of the decisions and topics discussed during meetings
Participants: morganwillcock, ivan mogilko, ericoporto, AlanDrake
Topic: Defining the project goals and how to move forward
Project goals
Argued about projects goals. AGS as a runtime for older content or AGS as a game making tool.
Decided to poll the current developers and the users to agree on what the main goal should be.
Future development
Talked about moving new development into a separate branch, in order to perform a refactor and clean up of the codebase, without backward compatibility generating unnecessary complexity.
AGS3 would continue to receive bugfixes.
There may be the possibility of reimplementing the legacy engine in the future, using what we learn from this refactor.
Refactoring the Engine
Proposed to split the Engine code into two parts: Framework and Engine.
The Framework should act as a wrapper to libraries and platform code, in order to provide the Engine with the necessary tools not specific to the Engine logic itself.
The Engine should only interface with the Framework and only care about the game state, and its execution.
Proposed steps
- Separate engine and framework concepts
- Separate engine and framework code in separate directories
- Refactor bad code or replace with new implementations
- Implementing new libraries