AGS Game Build process (3.5.*) - adventuregamestudio/ags GitHub Wiki

Following document outlines the building process of an AGS game: source (project) data, final (engine's) data, and build steps between them.

Project data


Big XML file, contains main game data and some extras:

  • General game properties
  • Global game entities and logical assets (Characters, GUI, Inventory Items, Views, Dialogs, ...)
  • Dialog script sources
  • Script module references
  • Audio clip references
  • Sprite references
  • Translation file references
  • Runtime plugin references
  • Editor plugin serialized data
  • Default runtime config settings

Auto-generated script headers and modules

  • _BuiltInScriptHeader.ash - contains API declaration. This file is atm always embedded into Editor exe (as of 3.5.0).
  • _AutoGenerated.ash - generated from the game properties and entities. Contains their declaration that may be required for script. Only exist in program memory (as of 3.5.0).
  • _GlobalVariables.ash/asc - generated from global variables component. Only exist in program memory (as of 3.5.0).
  • Script headers provided by plugins. These are generated by plugins on demand by Editor and only exist in program memory (as of 3.5.0).

Script modules source files (ash/asc files, except roomXXX.asc)

These are text files which contain AGSScript source for global and custom script modules.

acsprset.spr and sprindex.dat

acsprset.spr is a binary file, contains array of bitmaps corresponding to game sprites. These are added when user imports a sprite in Editor. Bitmaps are optionally compressed using RLE algorithm (as of 3.5.0). sprindex.dat is a binary file, contains an auxiliary info about sprites: their dimensions and an offset table. This file is optional, if it's not present same index could be generated by parsing acsprset.spr.

IMPORTANT: as of 3.5.0 these files are used by both Editor and Engine alike.

roomXXX.crm files

Binary file, contains all the room related data:

  • General room properties.
  • Local room entities (Objects, Hotspots, Regions, Walkable Areas, Walk-behinds).
  • Background bitmaps, compressed using LWZ algorithm.
  • Compiled room script.

IMPORTANT: as of 3.5.0 thes files are used by both Editor and Engine, except for the script: Editor does not load compiled room script, but a script source (see below).

Room scripts source files (roomXXX.asc)

These are text files which contain AGSScript source for rooms.

TRS files

These are text files which contain translation table.

AudioCache folder

Contains audio files copied by the editor when you import audio file into the game. These are essentially copies of originals, with generated unique names in auNNNNNN.EXT format.

Speech folder

Contains files for character speech voice-over:

  • Audio files with ABCDNNNN.EXT naming format (e.g. EGO5.OGG, CHAR4567.MP3)
  • Voice-based lip sync files (*.PAM, *.dat)

Video files

Files with OGV and FLIC extensions. These are not edited by the Editor, and packed into game as is if found in the project root.

Engine data


Binary file contains main game data and some extras:

  • General game properties
  • Global game entities and logical assets (Characters, GUI, Inventory Items, Views, Dialogs, ...)
  • Compiled global and module scripts
  • Compiled dialog scripts

acsprset.spr and sprindex.dat

These are direct copies from the project data.

roomXXX.crm files

These are direct copies from the project data.

TRA files

Compiled translation tables.

Audio files

These are direct copies from the project data.

Voice-over audio files

These are direct copies from the project data.

Video files

OGV, FLIC are direct copies from the project data. MPG video files (playable only in Windows at the moment) are put directly into game data by user.

Runtime filesystem

In theory engine is capable of reading all the above files either directly from the disk, or from a CLIB package. In practice, as of now, its programmed to detect a presence of a game package with game28.dta inside before launching the game; but that may be changed in future.

CLIB package

CLIB package format allows to store multiple files packed into one or multiple packages, forming a "file library". The first package always contains a table of contents with full list of assets in the library, package index and offset for each asset.

Build steps

Following is a table that shows how the project data is converted into runtime data, and which procedures are necessary for that. This table splits process in most small steps, to make it easier to design standalone tools and build pipeline. Files that are part of either project source or final game data are marked with bold.

Input -> Output Comments/Tool
Game.agf Parse XML, write binary data game28.dta
Game.agf Parse XML, generate _AutoGenerated.ash agfexport autoash
Game.agf Parse XML, generate _GlobalVariables.ash agfexport glvar
Game.agf Parse XML, generate _GlobalVariables.asc agfexport glvar
Game.agf Parse XML List of script modules agfexport script-list
Game.agf Parse XML List of image files
Game.agf Parse XML List of audio files
Game.agf Parse XMLConvert dialog scripts to AGSScript __DialogScripts.asc agf2dlgasc
EDITOR Query plugins Plugin's ash-s
_BuiltInScriptHeader.ash_AutoGenerated.ash_GlobalVariables.ashAll Plugins' ash Merge Internal script header
Any ascInternal script headerList of script modulesScript module ash-s Merge Prepared script
Any Prepared script Preprocessor Preprocessed script agscc
Any Preprocessed script Compiler Compiled script (bytecode) agscc
Compiled global scriptCompiled modulesCompiled Dialog script Write binary data game28.dta not needed in 3.6.X
Compiled roomXXX script Write binary data roomXXX.crm not needed in 3.6.X
Image filesList of image files Write bitmaps into sprite file acsprset.spr
acsprset.spr Parse, write index sprindex.dat
Game.agfAll roomXXX.crmAll asc Parse XMLRead room dataParse ascwrite Any TRS
Any TRS Parse, write binary data TRA trac
game28.dtaAny roomXXX.crmAny TRSAny WFN/TTFAny OGV Package CLIB game.ags agspak
Audio filesList of audio files Copy files AudioCache
AudioCacheList of audio files(?) Package CLIB audio.vox agspak
Speech folder Package CLIB speech.vox agspak