RestoredSaveInfo - adventuregamestudio/ags-manual GitHub Wiki


The RestoredSaveInfo instance is received as an argument by the validate_restored_save script function (if you have one written in your script). This struct contains a summary of the read game's save, either when restoring one, or when running Game.ScanSaveSlots, and lets you tell the engine whether to accept or cancel (skip) this save.

Compatibility: The RestoredSaveInfo struct is supported by AGS 3.6.2 and later versions.


int RestoredSaveInfo.AudioClipTypeCount;

Gets the number of Audio Types present in this save.


bool RestoredSaveInfo.Cancel;

Gets/sets whether this save should be cancelled. You must set this in validate_restored_save to tell AGS whether to cancel or accept the save (naturally, Cancel = true would mean to cancel it, and Cancel = false would mean to accept). Default value depends on whether AGS detected any data mismatches in the save.


int RestoredSaveInfo.CharacterCount;

Gets the number of Characters present in this save.


int RestoredSaveInfo.CursorCount;

Gets the number of Cursors present in this save.


String RestoredSaveInfo.Description;

Gets this save's description string. This is the same string which was used in a call to SaveGameSlot.


int RestoredSaveInfo.DialogCount;

Gets the number of Dialogs present in this save.


String RestoredSaveInfo.EngineVersion;

Gets the version of the AGS engine which wrote this save, represented as a "N.N.N.N" string. This property is meant for informational purposes only.


int RestoredSaveInfo.GlobalScriptDataSize;

Gets the size of the global script's data present in this save. This corresponds to the total number of bytes used by all the global script's variables.


int RestoredSaveInfo.GUICount;

Gets the number of GUIs present in this save.


int RestoredSaveInfo.GUIControlCount[int index];

Gets the number of controls on each GUI present in this save.


function validate_restored_save(RestoredSaveInfo* info)
    if (info.GUIControlCount[gMainMenu.ID] < 10)
        info.Cancel = true; // cancel the save
    info.Cancel = false; // keep the save

This will check how many gui controls were on GUI called gMainMenu when the save was made, and if it's less than 10, then cancel this save.


bool RestoredSaveInfo.HasExtraData;

Gets whether this save has extra data, which means any data that is not applicable to the current game. This property is reserved for the future, and normally you should never get validate_restored_save called when there's extra data, as AGS cannot deal with such situation, and will error earlier.


bool RestoredSaveInfo.HasMissingData;

Gets whether this save has any data missing, which means that it does not have something that the current game has: has less characters or less script variables, for example. In such case these items will be reset to their default states when the save is restored.

It's up to you to decide whether you want to continue with this save, and whether any fixups are necessary to be done after restoring it.


int RestoredSaveInfo.InventoryItemCount;

Gets the number of Inventory Items present in this save.


bool RestoredSaveInfo.IsPrescan;

Gets whether this save was only prescanned, and not loaded into the game. This is useful when you are using Game.ScanSaveSlots, and would like to distinguish cases when validate_restored_save is called for scanning or actual save restoration.

For example, you may want to fixup your game after restoring an older save with less data, but not do that in case of scanning one.


function validate_restored_save(RestoredSaveInfo* info)
    if (info.CharacterCount < 5)
        if (!info.IsPrescan)
            // Suppose that in the newer version of the game we have a character
            // cNewCharacter, and if player was visiting room 10, then we want it
            // to appear in the same room
            if (info.Room == 10)
    info.Cancel = false; // keep the save


int RestoredSaveInfo.Slot;

Gets this save's slot number.


SaveComponentSelection RestoredSaveInfo.RetryWithoutComponents;

Gets/sets whether this game's save should be reloaded again without particular components. By setting this value to a combination of SaveComponentSelection values you can instruct AGS to reload the same save, only this time it should skip certain types of data completely. This choice may be the last resort when the save is so outdated that some parts of it cannot be applied.


function validate_restored_save(RestoredSaveInfo* info)
    if ((info.GUICount > 0) && (info.GUICount < Game.GUICount))
        info.RetryWithoutComponents += eSaveCmp_GUI;
    if ((info.ViewCount > 0) && (info.ViewCount < Game.ViewCount))
        info.RetryWithoutComponents += eSaveCmp_Views;
    info.Cancel = false; // keep the save (but reload without some components)

will check if restored save has less GUI or View data, and requests to reload this save without restoring GUIs or Views respectively, in attempt to avoid any conflicts with the current game.


int RestoredSaveInfo.Room;

Gets the room number this save was made in.


int RestoredSaveInfo.ScriptModuleCount;

Gets the number of script modules present in this save (not counting the global script, nor the room scripts).


int RestoredSaveInfo.ScriptModuleDataSizes[int index];

Gets the size of each of the script module's data present in this save (except for the global script). This corresponds to the total number of bytes used by all the respective script's variables.


int RestoredSaveInfo.ScriptModuleNames[int index];

Gets the name of each of the script modules in this save (except for the global script).


int RestoredSaveInfo.ViewCount;

Gets the number of Views present in this save.


int RestoredSaveInfo.ViewFrameCount[int view];

Gets the number of frames in each View present in this save.


int RestoredSaveInfo.ViewLoopCount[int view];

Gets the number of loops in each View present in this save.