Example: Coach bug verification with mirv_calcs - advancedfx/advancedfx GitHub Wiki

// Notes:
// - Cfg should be loaded _after_ loading the level.
// - You should go into freelok mode since it only gets the player view and overrides the engine view with it, so view position and angles should be correct.
// - playerIndex you can get from the first column in mirv_listentities isPlayer=1
// - If the camera is not overriden, then the selected player has no view currently.

mirv_calcs handle add index playerIndex 0
mirv_calcs cam add player playerCam playerIndex
mirv_calcs vecAng add cam playerCam playerCam
mirv_calcs fov add cam playerCam playerCam

// To change enter this (and change the index at the end):
mirv_calcs handle edit playerIndex index 5
mirv_fix forcePostDataUpdateChanged 5 // Only required in case the coache entity has data updates, but no entity updates triggered by server

// To exit enter this:
mirv_cam source calcVecAngClear; mirv_cam fov calcClear

// To activate enter this:
mirv_cam source calcVecAng playerCam; mirv_cam fov calc playerCam

See also