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A little kid (earth) was playing with a toy (humanity) in the yard. A bully (extra greenhouse gases) sees the toy and comes over and starts beating up the kid. The bully's cronies (positive feedback loops) are around, and they see what the bully is doing, and they join in. Now that the bully has involved other people, he can stop attacking the kid, and his cronies will keep going. The kid's friend (negative feedback loops) sees what is happening and tries to protect the kid, but he can't do much. After the attack is over, the kid goes home and gets a hug from his mom, and over the course of the next couple of weeks, he gets better (natural carbon sequestration). The toy was dropped in the fight and was left forgotten and trampled in the dirt. This story is an allegory for global warming. It is a way to remember all the key parts of what is happening when people talk about global warming. You understandably won’t get it right now, and I will revisit the story to explain what each piece means.