Accessible content - aduggin/accessibility-notes GitHub Wiki


Provide content that is easy to read

  1. Develop the information from bite, to snack, to meal.
  2. Show the structure with an informative title, headings, and links.
  3. Break up the information with short sections, lists, paragraphs, and sentences.
  4. Write in plain language, with common words and active verbs.
  5. Design for visual clarity.

Follows WCAG guidelines for content

  • Images have alternative text (so if you can't see the image you can still read the text).
  • Links make sense by themselves (e.g. no instances of links that just say "Click here" or "More...").

Follow content best practice

  • Keep tables simple. Complex table will not be understood by many people.
  • Ensure forms are easy to understand and provide the information that people need to complete them
  • Ensure error message help people correct mistakes and successfully submit information

Provide content in accessible formats

  • Pick the most appropriate format. HTML is more accessible than PDF
  • Ensure alternative formats are available as not everyone has access to the internet (25% of disable people have never used the internet). Make sure there is a process in place that enable people to get content in large print, audio, braille, easy read and BSL.

Related Resources
