User Stories - adubrock/PDX911Calls GitHub Wiki

  1. As a Portland resident, In order to know what kind of police activity is happening right now in all of Portland, I want to be able to see real-time updates of police calls.

  2. As a Portland resident, In order to know what recently happened in my neighborhood, I want to be able to find recent police calls.

  3. As a potential resident in a neighborhood, In order to know what has happened over a period of time in a particular neighborhood I’m interested in living in, I want to be able to search for police calls within a range over the past few years in that neighborhood.

  4. As a Portland resident, In order to know what kind of police activity is happening right now in all of Portland, I want to be able to g4t real-time updates of police calls in my neighborhood, even when I'm not on the website.

  5. As the Portland Police department, In order to more easily store police calls and any corresponding reports, I want to be able to store them in a dynamic website/db format.

  6. As the Portland Police department, In order to save company time and increase profitability, I want to be able to offer police reports for a fee online through a login/store interface.